
One of the most important materials for the energy transition, cobalt is widely used in rechargeable batteries.


Cobalt is highly valued for its thermal stability and high energy density. These qualities mean that cobalt is used in the cathodes of most types of rechargeable batteries. Cobalt is also used a superalloy in gas turbine engines, and has significant applications in cutting tool, catalysts, and magnets. DR Congo is by far the largest producer of cobalt and holds just over half of identified reserves. China is, however, dominant in cobalt refining. 

Cobalt suffers from has a very high perceived association with various ESG risks. These risks are largely concentrated in the artisanal and small-scale mining (ASM) ASM sector in the DR Congo – although the vast majority of cobalt is produced in large-scale mines and the share of ASM in cobalt production has been steadily declining for many years. Of the ESG issues associated with cobalt, child labour, is the most prominent. Major downstream users have faced considerable scrutiny from the public and even legal action over their use of cobalt, because of its association with child labour. 

Main uses and applications

Around 50 percent of cobalt produced worldwide is used in battery chemicals1. Cobalt is a critical component of the cathodes used in most types of rechargeable lithium-ion batteries, due to its thermal stability and high energy density. These qualities reduce the battery’s weight and helps prevent the cathodes from over-heating2. Cobalt’s importance in rechargeable batteries means that it is widely used in consumer electronic devices, such as mobile smartphones and laptops, as well as in electric vehicles and in some certain types of energy storage systems. 

One of the other major uses of cobalt is as a superalloy material. This accounts for around 18 percent of global cobalt consumption3. Cobalt is a component of superalloys that are used in gas turbine engines for aircraft, powerplants and petrochemical facilities, because of their stability at high temperatures. Cobalt’s strength and performance at high temperatures mean it is also widely used in applications such as cutting tools, catalysts, and magnets used in electric motors.v Additionally, cobalt has been used for thousands of years to create a vivid blue colour in pigments for glass and cermamics4.

Key Countries

Top Producer

Congo Dem Rep

Top Reserves

Congo Dem Rep

Supply Chain Risk

TDi Sustainability's data rates Cobalt's association with the following issues as high or very high:

Country Governance Risks

Cobalt's association with countries experiencing:

Association with ESG issues

TDi Sustainability's data rates Cobalt's association with the following issues as high or very high:

children icon Child labour
group icon Community rights violations (OECD Annex II)
buildings icon Company-community conflict (non-Annex II)
changing-hands icon Corruption
falling-rocks icon Degraded/fragmented landscapes
virus icon Disease prevalence in affected communities
forced-labour icon Forced Labour
silo icon Indigenous Peoples rights
pickaxe-in-hand icon Labour rights
leaf icon Negative biodiversity and conservation impact
passport icon Negative perceptions of corporate citizenship
tax-calculator icon Non-payment of taxes (Annex II)
hard-hat icon Occupational health and safety
factory icon Pollution
firearm icon Violence and conflict (Annex II)
Very Low Moderate Very High